Turaga Foundation

Turaga Foundation is a not-for-profit, registered trust focused on achieving and promoting excellence in social, cultural, literary and professional spheres. The Foundation works in an integrative and collaborative manner in the broad areas of Literature, Media Studies, Journalism, Culture, Heritage, Environment, Education and Development.

The Foundation recognises and commends excellence in its areas of interest by partnering with organisations that do similar work, like-minded professionals and concerned citizens.

What we do

To forward legacy and work towards achieving and promoting excellence in various fields in the social, cultural, literary and professional spheres.

Why we do

We recognise that

  • one voice influences many others
  • one act sparks many others
  • excellence in any field sets a high benchmark
  • appropriate support can accelerate and accentuate efforts
  • collaborations can enhance and enable
  • celebration of virtuosity can inspire

We recognise that the cumulative endeavours of our elders should be cherished and continued as a collective legacy.

We recognize that we as individuals can come together for a higher principle, for larger good.



Culture &

Environment &


Our Journey

Emergence of Turaga Foundation in its present structure and working, its mission, activities and functioning is the culmination of a magnificent legacy across generations. The team comprises of descendants of notable freedom fighters, litterateurs, revolutionaries, activists, poets, teachers and professionals, involved in diligent and dedicated work, becoming a part of the national life at every stage.

Revolutionary writer Chalam, rationalist Kodavatiganti Kutumba Rao, fiction writer Kommuri Sambasiva Rao, legal luminaries Turaga Srirama Murthy, Turaga Venkat Rao, Freedom Fighters and Social activists Dulla Venkataramanamma, Vidya Devi Omprakash Gupta, Spiritual Guru Swamini Sarada Priyananda, Teachers Dulla Pattabhi Ramaiah, Voleti Satyavati, Music exponent Rajyalakshmi Mandapakala are the legends whose ethos and quintessential spirt has been passed on to us. They are like beacons, inspiring and guiding us at every step as we strive to make a mark in our chosen areas of work.

Their work was done through formal organisations, starting from Mahila Seva Mandali, set up by Dulla Venkataramanamma way back in the 1930s, as a platform for women to gather and contribute their mite first to the freedom struggle and then to nation building. Vidyadevi Om Prakash, associated with Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave and Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan, had done immense work through Gandhi Kasturba Seva Sangh. Voleti Satyavati did pioneering work in girl child education, setting up Spoorthi, an alumni association, funding underprivileged children's education. Turaga Krishna Mohan Rao set up Pratyusha Prachuranalu, publishing books of budding writers. Turaga Janaki Rani worked in close association with legends such as Durgabai Deshmukh, becoming a part of and leading institutions such as Andhra Mahila Sabha.

It is both the inspiration and this institutional discipline that has been passed down to the members of Turaga Foundation who began their journey together during student days through Sapling (Students Against Polluted Living), a registered voluntary group, working in the areas of environment protection, urban solid waste management, child rights and water conservation. Along the journey, other friends and close associates, who have since departed, including Parvathy Prasad, KB Lakshmi, Dr. Somaraju Suseela, participated and contributed immensely to activities.

Turaga Foundation, which was formed in later years, has been working with focus on literature, culture, heritage, media and environment, taking up various activities, publications and felicitating legends whose lifetime achievements have been celebrated and cherished.

Turaga Foundation is a trust that is built on the foundation of a spectacular inheritance of social, political and cultural achievements and will strive to keep up the tradition, adding through meaningful work.